Could the mindset of man and his be a Transcended virtual religion beliefs?

According to the religions and lots of beliefs, the world that is lived on it is a place the test of humanity and all believers desire to show their servitude to the transcendent being here. Therefore, people built various temples, altar place and spaces etc. So, they try to give their all the various rituals and worship in such places as per their beliefs.

 The human being has to act according to the determined procedures and rules while they are performing all these rituals. The internet, which is described as the network of networks at the present time and simply entered the life of humanity, has religious, social, economic and etc. People have carried many of their applications in the physical world to the virtual world by way of the internet due to the obstacles caused by various factors such as space and time. In this way, the communication of the coreligionists became so easier with each other and it became possible to carry out many religious activities with the fast communication.

 Although it is not possible to come together in a place, it has become possible for them to come together in virtual environments from one end of the world to the other by way of the internet. Beside, it has become possible to perform their rituals in the digital field, which they could not perform due to spatial factors by way of the internet. People worship accordingly their beliefs, the same action is done in virtual life. İn various geographies, especially this matter is emphasized. 

The puzzle did not leave any uncover ideology of what the real mindset of almost everybody may turn out to be, especially for times where things rapidly grew tough in the standard of living my many. Some held on to transcended virtual believe that the world is a natural science, that so many things in existence was born out of the natural sciences of the universe as an entity on its own. 

Could their views be true?

Before we look further finding out how true can be this that the world and man exist naturally through natural sciences in already existence. If their views was true according to their believes, who then behold firstly the law of these natural sciences, when yet nobody ever dare to answer the name Jesus, God, or Allah. While noting on this end, i got a few more areas i want us to quickly look out.

Those associated with the Metaverse, which is designed as the shaping of all networks on a platform is performing rituals and making people experience various feelings here is an important matter with regards to attracting the attention of many religious people. The Metaverse, which is defined as a twin universe and an unlimited world that has not yet completed its formation, and that has a young population, is a platform that should not be ignored by religious people and organizations.

Though we understand that technology is real, but the work of Technology is not different from witchcraft. In America today, almost 71%  of her citizens has become worshiper of Technology, and as matter of fact, these fractions of people till today has out grown in their numbers  Idols of Technological improvement and changes. The advancement of technology created a selfless picture for many people to think that if man can originate science as discovery, so also science in his own is a power of its own and not that it is because God or the Devil exist. Now that is just the truth on end that there among the fraction of people that believe in the devil, or God, some still do not believe in either God, nor the devil. 

In a bit to quickly conclude, i do not think that the world religion is connected to a transcended virtuousness of virtual making, but as a matter of fact, most devices of science is a birth mark of  lucifer who curled the works of God into a template of wonders, which can be tagged  ''stagged Psycho-physics''


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